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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: A Good Idear For Dressy Drawers - 08/11/2010 03:16

A Good Idear For Dressy Drawers

An easy application of some fabric will help an unfinished dresser get with the decorating program.

How to Make It

1. Cut. Cut the sheet 1/2-inch wider on all sides than the drawer fronts. Cheap Jordans

2. Mix. Mix equal parts of water and white crafts glue, and paint one drawer front with the solution, covering the entire surface with a thin coat.Designer Handbags

3. Glue. Working quickly, center the fabric on the drawer front and gently press it into place with a small rolling pin or the edge of a credit card. Work from the center out, pushing air bubbles out the sides.

4. Wrap and staple. Wrap the 1/2-inch fabric flaps to the drawer's sides or around to the back, and glue into place with full-strength glue. For extra security, add a row of hidden staples. Repeat this process for the rest of the drawers, then slide the drawers into a dresser that has been painted to match.Wholesale Handbags


We covered this three-drawer dresser with a twin-size sheet. When cutting out the , check pattern matches and repeats so the overall design is pleasing. Flat-front drawers work best because the fabric is glued to the front, then wrapped around the edges and glued and stapled in place. For beveled drawers, apply the fabric to the flat surface only. Paint the bevel a contrasting color.

Cost: Less than $20 for a twin sheet

Time: An afternoon

Skill: Beginner

What You Need
  • 1 twin-size, flat sheet (for a three-drawer dresser)
  • Scissors
  • White crafts glue
  • Paintbrush
  • Small rolling pin or credit card
  • Staple gun

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artikkel: make apple cake - 08/11/2010 03:55


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